Creating subscriptions over DLQ Topics
If the metro service attempts to deliver a message but the subscriber can’t acknowledge it, after exhausting configured max_retries, metro forwards the undeliverable message to a dead-letter topic(DLQ).
Metro also allows clients to create subscription over DLQ topics with certain limitations.
Creating a subscription over DLQ topic is similar to creating subscription over a normal topic. In the topic parameter in the payload, use the dlq-topic over which you want to create the subscription.
- Subscriptions over DLQ-topics will not have dead lettering support.
- This means, if the message delivery is not successful after max attempts, message will be lost.
Sample Subscription:
"topic": "projects/my-project/topics/mysub-dlq",
"ackDeadlineSeconds": 90,
"retryPolicy": {
"minimumBackoff": "5s",
"maximumBackoff": "30s"
"push_config": {
"basic_auth": {
"username": "<user>",
"password": "<password>"
"push_endpoint" : "<push_endpoint>"
"deadLetterPolicy": {
"maxDeliveryAttempts": 5
"filter": "<Filter Expression>"