Ordering Messages

Metro supports ordered delivery of messages. To enable ordered delivery of messages, an Ordered Subscription has to be created. The publisher has to publish messages with an Ordering Key.

Ordered Subscription

To create an ordered subscription, the subscription has to be created with enableMessageOrdering: true.

Sample Subscription:

    "topic": "projects/my-project/topics/mytopic",
    "pushConfig": {
         "pushEndpoint": "https://www.mypushendpoint.com/path",
         "basicAuth": {
           "username": "api",
           "password": "mypassword"
    "ackDeadlineSeconds": 90,
    "retryPolicy": {
        "minimumBackoff": "5s",
        "maximumBackoff": "30s"
    "deadLetterPolicy": {
        "maxDeliveryAttempts": 5
	"enableMessageOrdering": true

Ordering Key

To receive messages in order, the publisher has to publish messages with an ordering key.

Sample Payload:

    "messages": [
            "data": "YQ==",
            "orderingKey": "o1"

Messages having the same ordering key are delivered in the order Metro receives them. The order of messages delivered across multiple ordering keys can be different from the order in which they are published.

Publisher Syncronization

If there are multiple publishers publishing messages to Metro for the same topic with the same ordering keys, then the publishers have to ensure that the messages are published in the correct order. The order in which messages are received by Metro is the order of delivery. Outbox Pattern can be leveraged to achieve this.

At Least Once Delivery

Metro promises at least once delivery. Hence if a message is redelivered, Metro would redeliver all subsequent messages in the same ordering key to maintain order even if they have been acknowledged.

Reduced Throughput

To maintain ordering, if a message with an ordering key is nacked, Metro would not deliver subsequent messages of the same ordering key until the message is either acked or pushed to DLQ.